Select your pricing plan
  • $0.00 Church Communicator - This plan includes 52 ads.

    Post up to 52 sermons for 365 days

  • $1,250.00 YCCUON Advertiser - This plan includes 365 ads.

    Post up to 365 ads for up to 1 Year

  • $8.50 Starter


  • $12.50 Advanced

    Ad will be shared on the YCCUON Facebook Page

  • $55.00 Business

    Ad will be a featured ad in addition will be shared on the YCCUON Facebook page.

  • $95.00 Business Pro - This plan includes 2 ads.

    Ad will be a featured ad and shared on Facebook

  • $125.00 Business Pro Plus - This plan includes 20 ads.

    Ad will be a featured ad in addition will be shared on the YCCUON Facebook page.

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